Pay for Time at a Pay Station


This article details the steps to pay for time at a pay station.


  1. Park your vehicle in the Hourly parking lot and locate the nearest pay station.

Note: Take a picture or remember your license plate number. You will need it to complete your transaction.

  1. If the screen is not on, press any key to wake up the pay station.

  1. Enter your license plate number. After ensuring it is correct, press the OK key to confirm and begin your transaction.

  1. After entering your license plate number, you will be able to select how long you will be parking for:

  • Press the 1 key to add time to your session. This will increase your selected time in 30-minute intervals.

  • Press the 9 key to pay for the whole day.

Note: The pay station will only allow customers to pay through 3:45pm. The price will adjust accordingly.

  1. Once you are satisfied with the time, press the OK key. The screen will then prompt you to insert payment.

  1. To pay with your credit card, insert it into the slot shown below and remove it when prompted. The image to the right of the slot specifies the direction the card must be in.

  1. Once your payment is complete, the pay station will start printing your receipt.

  1. A detailed receipt will print to the receptacle at the bottom of the pay station. The receipt does NOT need to be displayed on your dashboard.

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Contact Information

If you experience any issues following these steps, please contact NOVA Parking Customer Support at

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Article ID: 18594
Wed 2/28/24 1:29 PM
Wed 8/28/24 11:50 AM