What is it?
This service allows Students that are unable to phone the IT Helpdesk or authenticate to the IT Support Portal to submit a short-form ticket to the IT Helpdesk via an unauthenticated session.
NOTE: requests will result in an email notification being sent to the email address you provide in the form, but a live agent will not respond to your request until the next official business day.
You may respond to the original email notification to provide more details of your request, as they will automatically be appended to the request ticket.
DO NOT attempt to use the embedded URL referencing the ticket number included in the automated email notification, as that is system generated and is only usable if the client can actually authenticate to the IT Support Portal.
Typical use case scenarios are centered around international students not having the ability to initiate an international call to the U.S. in order to resolve an account access or distance learning service platform issue.
This service allows IT Helpdesk agents to leverage the client's contact information captured in the form to initiate a response and coordinate a web conference with the requester in order to service their request.
Who is Eligible to Use it?
Students that are unable to use a telephone to contact the IT Helpdesk during normal business support hours and are unable to authenticate to the IT Support Portal in order to submit a standard ticket.
Where Can I Get It?
Click the After-hours Support button on this page.