Enter a Mobile Number in SIS


This article details the steps to enter a mobile number in the Student Information System (SIS). You must enter your mobile number in SIS to set up and use myNOVA (VCCS) Multi-factor Authentication (MFA).

Sign In to myNOVA (VCCS)

  1. Go to https://nvcc.my.vccs.edu/.

  2. Enter your myNOVA (VCCS) username and click the GO button.

  1. Enter your myNOVA (VCCS) password and click the GO button.

  1. Access SIS to enter a mobile number.

Access SIS to Enter a Mobile Number

  1. Select SIS.

  1. Select Profile.

  1. Select Phone Numbers.

  1. Click the Add a Phone Number button.

  1. Select Mobile as Phone Type, enter the Telephone, and leave Preferred unchecked.

  1. Click the Save button.

  1. You are redirected to a page that states the save was successful. Click the OK button.

Additional Resources


Contact Information

If you experience any issues following these steps, please contact the IT Help Desk by phone at 703-426-4141 or through the IT Help Desk NOVAnet Page.

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Article ID: 16485
Tue 10/3/23 8:39 AM
Tue 8/27/24 11:48 AM